Adding Images to a Syllabus
Images can be placed into any field with rich text editing. To place an image, simply upload the image onto any image sharing site. Then, locate the HTML code option that can be found when viewing the image. Copy the HTML code and paste it in the HTML view in any field within your syllabus that you would like the image to appear.
Images can also be added directly using the Files area of your course. To add an image this way, click the Files button within your course and upload the file.
Then you may either:
1) Attach the image to your syllabus from the edit dialog if you simply want users to be able to download it and not see it on the syllabus, or
2) for advanced users, copy the link to the image from the files page, return to the editor and use the HTML view to insert the following code: <img src="URL_you_copied" border="0" />. It will look something like <img src="" border="0" />
Please note that alternative text must be included to ensure images are accessible to users with disabilities. When entering the HTML code in the text editor, that would appear as:
<img src="URL_you_copied" alt="add alternative text here" border="0"/>
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