This article is useful for any end user who needs to search for syllabi stored in Concourse–administrators, instructors, IT professionals, and students.
Concourse allows institutions to store syllabi in a variety of organizational approaches. Depending on the choices your institution has made about its Concourse instance, you may need to search for syllabi using different criteria to find the information you need.
Before You Begin
Before you begin searching for syllabi, keep in mind that your institution determines whether you are able to access the search panel. If you are not able to navigate to the search panel by following the directions below, your next step is to reach out to the IT department or Concourse administrator at your institution for assistance.
Please note that if you are able to access the search panel, your search results will list every syllabus in Concourse that matches your search criteria. However, if your group permissions do not allow you to view the syllabus you select, you will receive an error message when you attempt to open that syllabus.
Finally, if you enter your search terms in the Keyword(s) field, your search results will include all syllabi in the system that match any component of your terms. In other words, the keyword search tends to be too broad for most users.
Searching for Syllabi
If you would like to search for syllabi in Concourse, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the search panel. If your Concourse interface doesn’t automatically direct you to the search panel, you can get there by selecting the magnifying glass in the upper-right corner of your Concourse screen.
- In the search panel, select + Advanced to access more criteria for your search.
- You may then enter the course title, subject, course number, instructor, session (term), year, number of credits, or delivery method.
- Select Search.
- On the subsequent page, the syllabi matching your search terms will appear on the right side of the screen under the Results heading.
- You may sort the search results by selecting the preferred sorting criteria in the upper-right corner of the Results pane.
- Once you have located the syllabus you would like to access, select the hyperlinked name of the course (e.g. American Literature I).
Best Practices and Recommendations
To make the most out of your search experience, we recommend the following practices: