To show the main navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 0.
Parameter =|show_main_navigation
Value = 0
To hide the main navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 1.
Parameter =|hide_main_navigation
Value = 1
Parameter =|hide_secondary_navigation
Value = 0
To hide the secondary navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 1.
Parameter =|hide_secondary_navigation
Value = 1
The footer is the information that appears at the bottom of the Concourse screen (image below). This includes the timestamp and links to Intellidemia support, privacy, and terms.
Parameter =|hide_footer
Value = 0
To hide the footer, set hide_footer to 1.
Parameter =|hide_footer
Value = 1
To disable auto-create user, set auto_create_user to 0.
Parameter =|auto_create_user
Value = 0
To enable auto-create user, set auto_create_user to 1.
Parameter =|auto_create_user
Value = 1
Auto-update user updates parameters related to user details when a user accesses Concourse with new details, such as a new name or email address. Updates are made at the account level. For example, if a user accesses Concourse with a new last name, their account will be updated to reflect the new last name, and that new parameter will be displayed on the user's registrations system-wide.
Parameter =|auto_update_user
Value = 0
To enable auto update user, set auto_update_user to 1.
Parameter =|auto_update_user
Value = 1
To disable auto-create course, set auto_create_course to 0.
Parameter =|auto_create_course
Value = 0
To enable auto-create course, set auto_create_course to 1.
Parameter =|auto_create_course
Value = 1
Auto-update course updates parameters related to course details (metadata). Parameters that do not have a value are updated to reflect the new information. Fields for which parameters are not present are not updated.
Parameter =|auto_update_course
Value = 0
To enable auto update course, set auto_update_course to 1.
Parameter =|auto_update_course
To disable auto-create registration set auto_create_registration to 0.
Parameter =|auto_create_registration
Value = 0
To enable auto-create registration set auto_create_registration to 1.
Parameter =|auto_create_registration
Value = 1
Auto-update registration updates users' registered roles in the specific syllabus being accessed. For example, if a user is initially registered to a course as a manager, but their role in the LMS shell is later changed to instructor, auto-update registration will update the user's role from manager to instructor the next time they access the syllabus.
Parameter =|auto_update_registration
Value = 0
To enable auto update registration set auto_update_registration to 1.
Parameter =|auto_update_registration
Value = 1