Custom Parameters for LTI 1.3

Custom Parameters for LTI 1.3

As you transition from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3, the process to add and manage custom parameters has changed. With LTI 1.1, Concourse administrators could select the desired user, course, and navigation settings within the LTI consumer area. With LTI 1.3, you have the option of adding this information in the custom parameters field(s) within your LMS and/or adding these components to your associated LTI 1.3 adapter within Apidapter.  

Please Note: Whether you decide to add these custom parameters to your LMS or create these components in Apidapter, your Concourse implementation specialist will be able to provide you with top-notch support. 

Custom LTI parameters are optional parameters you can leverage to affect an end user's experience in a given tool. For example, within Concourse, you might decide to automatically create user accounts for students who launch the LTI link within their course but don't yet have a user account in Concourse. For LTI 1.1, these settings were managed within Concourse in Admin>Settings>LTI Consumers. With LTI 1.3, these settings are managed outside of Concourse, either within the LMS or within your LTI 1.3 adapter in Apidapter.  

Custom Parameters for Navigation

Main navigation includes the options in the upper-right corner of the Concourse homepage, from Reports to Search (image below). Keep in mind that not all users have all options in the main navigation. Only users with Create Courses permission can access the Create dropdown, and only users with Administer System permission can access the Admin dropdown.

To show the main navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 0.

Parameter =|show_main_navigation

Value = 0

To hide the main navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 1.

Parameter =|hide_main_navigation

Value = 1

The main navigation may be hidden for all users or for specific user groups. The main navigation is displayed to all users by default.

Secondary Navigation

Secondary navigation is the navigation that appears directly above an individual syllabus (image below). Keep in mind that not all options in the secondary navigation are presented to all users. For example, users registered as Students will never be able to access Users, and with group permissions, system admins can determine whether Instructors should be able to access Users. Likewise, only systems with CV and Audit features enabled will have these options available to select users in the secondary navigation. 

To show the secondary navigation, set hide_secondary_navigation to 0.

Parameter =|hide_secondary_navigation

Value = 0

To hide the secondary navigation, set hide_main_navigation to 1.

Parameter =|hide_secondary_navigation

Value = 1

The secondary navigation may be hidden for all users or for specific user groups. The secondary navigation is displayed to all users by default.

The footer is the information that appears at the bottom of the Concourse screen (image below). This includes the timestamp and links to Intellidemia support, privacy, and terms.

To show the footer, set hide_footer to 0.

Parameter =|hide_footer

Value = 0

To hide the footer, set hide_footer to 1.

Parameter =|hide_footer

Value = 1

The footer may be hidden for all users or for specific user groups. The footer is displayed to all users by default.

Custom Parameters for Automation

Auto-Create User

To disable auto-create user, set auto_create_user  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_create_user

Value = 0

To enable auto-create user, set auto_create_user to 1.

Parameter =|auto_create_user

Value = 1

Auto-Update User

Auto-update user updates parameters related to user details when a user accesses Concourse with new details, such as a new name or email address. Updates are made at the account level. For example, if a user accesses Concourse with a new last name, their account will be updated to reflect the new last name, and that new parameter will be displayed on the user's registrations system-wide.

To disable auto update user, set auto_update_user  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_update_user

Value = 0

To enable auto update user, set auto_update_user  to 1.

Parameter =|auto_update_user

Value = 1

Auto-Create Course 

To disable auto-create course, set auto_create_course  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_create_course

Value = 0

To enable auto-create course, set auto_create_course to 1.

Parameter =|auto_create_course

Value = 1

Auto-Update Course

Auto-update course updates parameters related to course details (metadata). Parameters that do not have a value are updated to reflect the new information. Fields for which parameters are not present are not updated.

To disable auto update course, set auto_update_course  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_update_course

Value = 0

To enable auto update course, set auto_update_course  to 1.

Parameter =|auto_update_course

            Value = 1

Auto-Create Registration

To disable auto-create registration set auto_create_registration  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_create_registration

Value = 0

To enable auto-create registration set auto_create_registration  to 1.

Parameter =|auto_create_registration

Value = 1

Auto-Update Registration

Auto-update registration updates users' registered roles in the specific syllabus being accessed. For example, if a user is initially registered to a course as a manager, but their role in the LMS shell is later changed to instructor, auto-update registration will update the user's role from manager to instructor the next time they access the syllabus.

To disable auto update registration set auto_update_registration  to 0.

Parameter =|auto_update_registration

Value = 0

To enable auto update registration set auto_update_registration  to 1.

Parameter =|auto_update_registration

Value = 1

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