Group Permissions in Concourse

Group Permissions in Concourse

Concourse employs mass permissions for groups to assist institutions with enforcing access and editing capabilities within the system. The Syllabus Geeks understand that differentiating between these groups within Concourse can be somewhat challenging. Therefore, we’ve provided information below to help you decide how to employ this functionality on your campus.

NotesNote: The LTI standard uses context roles that in some cases different from Concourse groups. 

Group Permissions Defined

Managers: A Manager is a technical Concourse user, and can be considered a course administrator. This person may create process feeds, set and update permissions, set up and manage integrations, delete courses, create and drop registrations, etc. Typically, individuals assigned as Managers within Concourse work in IT, Academic Affairs, and/or eLearning.

Developers: A Developer may be someone in a department or division who manages the information on course templates. This person may be responsible for updating all or some parts of a syllabus, as well as ensuring compliance with any department or division initiatives. If content on an existing course template must be changed before sectional syllabi are created, a Developer may be the person to do it. Individuals assigned as Developers within Concourse typical works as Academic Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Template Managers.

Instructors: An Instructor is a user who has been assigned to teach a course at your institution. An Instructor may have access to view every part of a syllabus, as well as edit content or add original content to all or part of the syllabus.

Assistants: An Assistant may be someone in a department or division designated by a template manager with the capability to edit all or parts of a course template. An Assistant may also need the capability to assist instructors with editing sectional syllabi, and may therefore need to be able to access an instructor's syllabus and assist with editing. Generally, Help Desk personnel and support staff may benefit from Assistant permissions in Concourse.

Students: A Student is a user who is registered as a student in a course at your institution. A Student generally will not have access to edit any part of a syllabus, but will need to be able to view every part of a syllabus for a course in which they are registered.

Guests: A Guest is a user who visits a course to which they are not registered. This is a user who has a Concourse account and may be registered to other courses. A Guest may have access to view every part of a syllabus, depending on the item permissions set by the system and/or domain administrators.

Public: A Public user is a syllabus viewer who does not have a Concourse account. Public users may access a syllabus through a public-facing portal, such as an institution's website. Public users have the ability to view any syllabus items approved by the system and/or domain administrators.

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