1. Within Concourse, access the LTI 1.3 Deployment area in Admin>System>LTI 1.3 (under the LTI category). On the resulting LTI 1.3 Deployment page, you will see the following fields:

All of the information you need to complete this form and create this new deployment are available within your Moodle LTI 1.3 adapter in Apidapter, within the response component and the main adapter page.
2. Fill out the fields in the LTI Deployments form. The information needed for the Name, Issuer, Client ID, and Deployment ID fields are found in Apidapter by clicking on Build from the main adapter page, then clicking on the LTI response component in the adapter build area. The following is an example of the LTI response component in Apidapter:
Fig. 2: Example of the Apidapter LTI 1.3 response component.
3. The response component should load with several fields. You should see something similar to the following:
Fig. 3: Example of a completed LTI 1.3 response in Apidapter.
4. Copy the values from Issuer, Client ID, and Deployment ID from this area of Apidapter and paste them into the associated areas within the Add a New LTI 1.3 Deployment area in Concourse.

We recommend adding the formal adapter name to the Name area.
Fig. 4: Example of Concourse LTI 1.3 deployment in progress.
5. To complete the Auth Login URL, Auth Token URL, and Key Set URL, navigate to the main adapter page for your LTI 1.3 adapter in Apidapter. On this page, you will see a section called Additional URLs; this section contains the three (3) Additional URLs you will need in order to complete the creation of this 1.3 deployment in Concourse:
- Auth URL: URL used for retrieving authorization
- Token URL: URL used for token manipulation. *Not supported by Apidapter*
- Keyset URL: URL used for fetching public key
Fig. 5: Example of additional LTI 1.3 URLs in Apidapter