Report Center

Report Center

Concourse here, ready and reporting for duty!

The Concourse Report Center is your one-stop shop for all of your reporting needs. You can access the Report Center at any time by clicking on the Reports link in the navigation bar at the top of the screen:

From here, you can access information for users, syllabus content, permissions, system usage, and more. This article describes the types of reports available in Concourse. 

Note: The full complement of reports represented are available to Concourse system administrators. Depending on your own permissions, you may see different report options.

Search tips (for all reports)

Many of our system reports require you to search and locate the necessary courses or individuals you wish to include in your report. This gives you an opportunity to select and consider only the information that important to you. We have a few tips for you to help you get the most out of your search experience:

  • Use the Advanced search option to show all available search criteria - don't just use the Keyword field
  • The Campus, School, and Department criteria can be used alone or with a course subject or number to narrow your focus
  • Change the Time Frame criteria from “Current and Future Courses” to the range that suits you
Note: If your search includes thousands of syllabi, you may experience a slight delay. Please let us know if have any issues accessing your report.

Idea: If you have more complex reporting needs, think about using our APIs!

Available Reports

The list below identifies available reports in the Report Center in Concourse. We have also included some additional information about each report. All reports can be viewed within the Concourse interface, and most reports can be downloaded by clicking Download Extended CSV or Download CSV


For this report you will search first to locate relevant courses. After running the search, you will be referred to the Audit Status Summary page where you can see an overview of how many courses fall into each category (New, In Progress, Submitted for Review, Reviewed, and Modified Since Review). 


For this report, you’ll select the Syllabus Item (a parent or child) you want to review, and then search to define your course list. Most “content” will be in a child item (like books or schedule entries), so make sure to double-check your item selection. 

Missing Item

Checking for missing requirements? Look no further than the missing item report. Select the Syllabus Item you’re checking for, then use search to find courses for review. Once you run the report, you’ll be presented with an all-clear if none of the courses are missing your selected item, or a list of course links and course ids that are missing that item. 

Syllabus Access (by course)

Also a search first report, this report provides details on all-time views for the course collection at the top, and then gives you the by group details for each course you selected. This report isn’t impacted when students are dropped from a course, so think of it like an odometer – the counts go up, not down! 

Syllabus Access (by day)

This is a system-level report that presents some interesting access-related statistics. You can see total views, peak views, and average views per day; you can also check your system trends by month, day of the week, and group. 

Syllabus Changes (by course)

This report relies on the search first functionality as well. By running this report you will be able to see summary statistics for both actions and methods, and a running total of all time changes across the selected course(s). On-screen you’ll see a breakdown of those actions and methods by course, and you can access the extended CSV for full course details.

Syllabus Changes  (by day)

As a system-level report, system-wide aggregates and trends are addressed here. You can see a running total of changes across all courses, your peak change date and count, and an average of changes per day. Displayed trends include counts of changes by month, by action, and by method. You may also review the on-screen display for counts of action and method by day, and download the extended CSV for full detail.


Review and manage the details and permissions of users.

Curriculum Vitae

Monitor CV content and compliance with legislation such as Texas HB 2504.

Group Permissions

This report is very practical and is intended to let you quickly check on errant permissions in your system. Select a group¸ search, and then view the results. You’ll see a link to each course, the course id, and the set permission for each entitlement.  Both the on-page list and the extended CSV provide quick ways to audit the selected course and role.

Hidden Courses

This is a system-wide report that shows you any course that you have marked as hidden. You can download a CSV as well and share this information with all of your friends.


Finally, the system statistics report provides a great way to get a snapshot of the performance of your Concourse platform. The administrators and features blocks are particularly insightful. 

Questions? Comments? Compliments? Please let us know! Click here to submit a ticket.

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