To begin, you can access Statistics by following these steps:
- Select Report in the main navigation (upper-right corner of your Concourse screen.
- Navigate to the bottom of the Report Center, under the heading System Reports.
- Select the last option: Statistics.
You must be a system administrator to access this report.
There are 6 categories on the System Statistics page:
- Courses
- Users
- Features
- Organization
- Administrators
- Integration
You might be asking, “Ok, but why are these the categories represented?” The answer is simple: we consider these the main elements, or "health lines," of your Concourse system. Below, you will see a breakdown of each category. We have defined each item represented in the categories as well as some best practices on how to use the information in each category.
Courses gives you a snapshot of how your Concourse syllabi creation process is going. You can see the total amount of syllabi at your institution and how you are utilizing concourse at the course level.
- Total: The total number of courses in your Concourse system.
- Created (last 90 days): Number of courses created within the last 90 days.
- Created (last 180 days): Number of courses created within the last 180 days.
- Templates: Percentage of course syllabi that are templates.
- Hidden: Number of courses that are hidden from search.
- Marked for Deletion: Number of courses that are currently marked for deletion. You may visit the purge course page to permanently remove courses from Concourse.
Users gives you a snapshot of when and how your users are being created as well as how you are maintaining active users.
- Total: The total number of users in your Concourse system.
- Created (last 90 days): Number of users created within the last 90 days.
- Created (last 180 days): Number of users created within the last 180 days.
- External: Number of users that are set to access Concourse through an external authentication process (e.g. through a Learning Management System).
- Internal: Number of users that are set to access Concourse directly (e.g. from the Concourse login page).
- Disabled: Number of users that have been disabled and no longer have access your system. You may visit the purge user page to permanently remove users from Concourse.
Features are noted in this category to let you know which Concourse features are enabled or disabled at your Institution.
- API: The Application Programming Interface (API) is available to retrieve certain data stored by Concourse.
- Audit: Audit helps in the syllabus workflow. You can select which syllabi you want to audit and determine the following: which syllabi are new, in progress, submitted for review, reviewed, or modified since review.
- Files: Files allows editors to upload and attach external content to syllabi.
- Notifications: Notifications gives editors the option to send email message regarding updates to their syllabi.
- Structured: Structured form-driven syllabi are syllabi where content is organized according to a data model that explicitly understands the meaning of that data, as opposed to uploaded syllabi.
- Vitae: Vitae gives editors the option to add and associate a Curriculum Vitae with a syllabus.
Organization allows you to understand the number of organizational units in Concourse.
- Campuses: Total number of campuses listed in Concourse.
- Schools: Total number of schools listed in Concourse.
- Departments: Total number of departments listed in Concourse.
Administrators gives you a snapshot of the number and types of high-level administrators in your system.
- System Administrators: Total number of the highest level of Concourse administrators in your Institution's system. Individuals at this level are responsible for the setup of domains (below), integration with other systems, permanent removal of courses, and assignment of lower-level administrators, etc.
- Domain Permission Administrators: Total number of second-tier of Concourse administration, which assigns users within the organizational structure of your institution, such as auditors within select campuses, schools, and departments.
- Domain Administrators | Editors | Auditors | Reporters: Gives you the number of each type of domain users in your system based on specific permission.
Integration shows how your institution has integrated Concourse with other systems.
- LTI Consumers: Total number of authentication pathways.
- Feed Log Entries: Total number of Feed Log entries.
- Latest Feed Run: The date of the last feed run.