Using Feeds to Populate Syllabus Item Content

Using Feeds to Populate Syllabus Item Content

Item-based feeds with syllabus content can be created and run to populate syllabus content in Concourse. Clients typically do this on an infrequent (e.g. once a year) basis to migrate from an existing syllabus or related solution, to populate a large number of course-level templates with artifacts like course descriptions, or to mass set item permissions.

The required format for these custom syllabus content feeds is very similar to a course feed. For example, if a feed for the Description item is desired, the pipe-separated file should contain columns for: A course identifier, the description itself, additional notes, and finally comments.

If this option is something your institution would like to consider, we recommend talking to your implementation specialists and reading our article: Construct and Process Item Feeds.
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