Platform Information
Bandwidth and File Storage Limitations
There is no bandwidth limit for accessing nor utililizing Concourse. Primarily as a text solution, we have never experienced an issue in delivering reliable and fast service over any connection speed or period within the academic cycle. If the files ...
Hosting Information
We utilize a combination of industry-leading cloud hosting by Amazon Web Services and Linode to support all of our installations and related tooling and services. The physical server cluster is located in Northern Virginia and Dallas, TX ...
Backups and Recovery
We make regular backups of our all our sandbox and production systems in two places. Our hosting vendors provide built-in backup utilities to take daily, weekly, and on-demand images of all Concourse installations. Then, as an added level of ...
Accessibility Features and Conformance
We pride ourselves in making syllabi accessible. It is a core reason we developed Concourse. Compared to traditional Word documents and PDFs, our responsive HTML presentation already puts us a step ahead of such syllabus alternatives. But there's ...
Security Measures and Protocols
Physical security of our server clusters is the responsibility of our hosting vendors. We utilize a combination of industry leading cloud hosting by Amazon Web Services and Linode to support all of our installations and related tooling and services. ...
Platform Information
Concourse sits atop a Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, and PHP stack. We also make extensive use of a PHP template engine, the Bootstrap framework, jQuery and related JavaScript libraries, and TinyMCE for rich-text editing. We intentionally do not provide ...
Popular Articles
System Requirements and Recommendations
Concourse is a web-only solution. Therefore all you need is an internet-connected computer or device in order to access Concourse. Below is a breakdown of technical requirements and recommendations to fully utilize Concourse. Browser Chrome 67+ ...
API - General Usage
FYI: All lines within code blocks are numbered, regardless of whether there is more than one line of code provided. An API is available to retrieve certain data stored by Concourse. This article covers documentation related to the initial version ...
Copy Syllabus Content
Overview Copy, formerly known as "Import", allows you to copy content from one Concourse syllabus into one or many other syllabi. While the "Import" allowed you to copy information into your syllabus from another syllabus, Copy now gives you three ...
Construct and Process System Data Feeds
This article is designed for IT professionals or those who have a background in running feeds and just want the technical specifications for running system data feeds. If you would like more generalized information on the uses and benefits of Feeds, ...
Automated Feed Processing
Concourse uses POST over HTTPS to allow for automated processing of feed files. This functionality allows you to control how frequently you run feeds and immediately receive information about what was successfully processed or had errors. To begin, ...